Strive for progress over perfection.

Align your body, soul, and mind with movement.


Small Group Classes

Align Movement Studio in London, ON.

Choose from passes or an unlimited class membership for in person classes.   

Everyday offers a style of workout, designed so you can attend 3-4 times a week and access a variety of routines. L


1:1 Coaching Packages

Looking for a customized program? A 1:1 coaching program may be just what you need to truly elevate your health and wellness routine. Our programs are designed to challenge you and empower you. With a heavy focus on foundational movement, energizing nourishment and powerful mindset shifts.


Animal Flow with Kass

Offering an introductory 6 week program.

This program is designed to teach you a new way to move — a new movement language with a heavy focus on learning the individual exercises, transitions and callouts. Together we’ll be working on and mastering a flow.

Join me in person weekly as we introduce new moves focused on practicing the technique and stringing the movements together to create a seamless flow.

Introduction program begins June 2022

Not sure what services would be right for you? I would be happy to chat! Contact us and I will get back to you to set up a time.